If you would like to express an interest in attending Emotions Europe - Madrid 2025 as a Buyer, please complete the form below.

Company Name
First Name Last Name Position E-Mail Password
Your password must be between 4 and 10 characters containing both letters and numbers Confirm Password Phone Number
Including country & area code. Example: +54 11 44445555
+ - -
Country City Website (Avoid http://) IATA Number
Company Type
Area of expertise
How long have you been working in the travel industry?

How long have you been working in your current company?

Has the company you work for participated at Emotions Travel Show in Barcelona or Sevilla before?

YES     NO

Have you ever attended Emotions Travel Show Barcelona or Sevilla personally?

YES     NO

How did you learn about Emotions Travel Show?
Do you sell European travel products and experiences?

YES     NO

What percentage does Europe represent for your business?
Please name 3 European luxury travel suppliers (e.g.: hotels, DMCs, travel experiences) you have worked with in the last 12 months (You need to complete the 3 tabs below)

What are your company's top selling European destinations? Please name your top 5 destinations.
Are you interested in selling European travel products and experiences?

YES     NO

Please name 3 luxury travel suppliers (e.g.: hotels, DMCs, travel experiences) worldwide you have worked with in the last 12 months. (You need to complete the 3 tabs below)

What are your company's top selling destinations worldwide? Please name your top 3 destinations.
Which European destinations are you interested in developing? Please name 3 destinations.
Which type of products are you interested in meeting at Emotions Travel Show Madrid?
Do you attend other luxury travel events?

YES     NO
Which shows do you attend usually and why?

Do you belong to any luxury travel network or association?

YES     NO

Company Profile and brief description of the service you provide

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